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"You have held us close, pushed us forth, encouraged, comforted, and challenged us. What a tremendous job you have done, Linda. We are so much better for your work with us."

UUCA Congregational Leader


"I have always valued you as an amazing minister and human being and friend who has been a blessing to the congregation we both love so much and to our UU ministry and movement.  When we worked together you gave generously and professionally of yourself, and without your ministry UUCA and many individuals would not have flourished as they did."

From a senior colleague 2001- 2012, Rev. Michael McGee


"THANK YOU for all the love and inspiration and support and passion that you have contributed and shared with your church and the larger community. You consistently communicated your passion for humanity through your words and deeds, and we are all better off for it."

From an elected official, Jay Fisette, Chairman, Arlington County Board


"I need to say how much I value you as a colleague and leader.  I think you are the best.  You got great edge and a great heart.  You are always present.  In organizing showing up is three-quarters of the battle, and you’ve always been there.  I deeply respect you for that, as well as for your commitment to and success for training and developing new leaders for VOICE."

From Martin Trimble, Senior Organizer with Metro IAF (Industrial Areas Foundation)


“We have been profoundly impressed with and grateful for Rev. Linda’s professionalism, candor and ability to redirect the conversation to the core of the issue as concerns come up. … This inclusive and transparent style has literally transformed rooms from a feeling of defensiveness, skepticism, distrust and trepidation to relief, curiosity, optimism, and then a real comradery - even among people who initially felt they could not agree with or trust each other.  In this way, Rev. Linda has been a true blessing for our congregation as we prepare for our new adventure together.”

From UU Congregation of Rockville Board & Colleen Dolak, past President 


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